Saturday, 29 June 2013

My Students and their Yoga journeys.

Yoga Students

Kayla is my longest standing student and I have loved seeing her grow in her yoga journey,
Over the last few years we have been working on body and mind awareness, letting go and breathing technic and relaxation.
She has become more flexible and relaxed and I’ve noticed her confidence growing in her self it’s been a joy teaching she really is a real lotus flower.A beautiful person surrounded by muddy waters i feel very lucky and blessed to have met her.

Kayla's Yoga Journey 
My name is Kayla. My yoga journey started about 3 years ago when I was passing a pub & saw a poster in the window for a yoga class. When I first started I couldn’t believe how inflexible I was – the last time I had put my body into positions like that I was a young child but I had still imagined that I would be able to do the positions all the same – boy was I wrong! As I continued with my yoga my teacher and new friend, Kelly Johnson, taught me the full three sided aspect of yoga that I’m sure we have all heard – Mind, Body and Soul. As time when on she touched on Karmic Yoga and continued to give us ‘homework’ around this – doing good deeds to put positive Karma into the world. 

Yoga has shown me the attitude and focus of mind requested of each student in every asana – pose. After every session I feel I have recharged my ‘good’ batteries and pushed my body to do things I know are healthy and good for it and I find my mind become calm and content. I try to practise what Kelly has taught me every morning for 30 minutes before work – I started this as I found it helped me cope with my grandmother’s cancer and death two years ago. She lived in South Carolina, USA and it was difficult not being able to be with her. Now I find that my morning session helps me focus my mind onto other important issues – such as not worrying about family, work, money etc. Yoga has emphasised to me the importance of completely letting go and letting fate take its course in our life.

 We are in the river of time and it will sweep us away – we can either fight it making it hard, uncomfortable, even painful, or we can let go and feel the rush of fun, laughter, joy and peace – either way you will go down the river – its up to you how pleasant your trip is.

Vicki has been a student of mine for 6 months and I really enjoy teaching her from Sun Salutation to Relaxing at the end from making words up and having a giggle in the process, she came into my class not doing yoga before and she has not only learnt really quickly but being a teacher herself has a passion to inspire and she has a Children's yoga group after school where she is spreading the yoga seed to the young ones.
I went with her to her first class and there were 30 smiling hyper kids willing to learn this thing they had heard that keep you fit and stuff, they were so good at it, as soon as vicki ordered them to be quiet, before we knew it they were standing on leg asking if they could be a lion. 
Vicki has increased her flexibility and her self belief since i have been teaching her and look forward to seeing her grow in her yoga journey.

Vicky's Yoga Journey

Hi my name is Vicki and I’ve been practising Yoga for around 6 months now. My Yoga journey began in a small vintage clothes shop in Poulton le Fylde where a lovely lady told me about her friend Kelly. I was recovering from an anxiety and stress disorder and felt Yoga might be a good start. When I started I was looking for better flexibility and a calming influence in my life as well as overall toning and fitness. My first lesson was a bit wobbly to say the least and my Tree was hardly showing much strength, it looked more like one during a hurricane! However, Kelly was very patient and each week I’ve learnt to concentrate more, remove the distractions better and my Tree is much better rooted! I’ve learnt to breathe deeper, slower and take much more care over my moves. Being present in the moment is possibly the best advice I have ever had and could ever give anyone else. 

Ellie has been a student of mine for over 6 Months and i have feel very fortunate to be teaching her, 
I met her at a coffee shop before we started our lesson to get to know one and another and i knew straight away this is a lady that has a passion for yoga and that she knew a lot about it.
She mentioned she couldn't find a suitable yoga teacher and hoped that i might be able to teach her something i had learnt from India.
I have loved teaching Ellie mainly because she pushes me to brush up on my Sanskrit and she has a warm glow about her, she has learnt a lot in my class and even though she has had injuries her determination has pushed her through, 
Patients and learning that everything happens for a reason is the part i have told her to concentrate on and i have no doubt when the timing is write she shall be teaching students of her own.

Ellie’s Yoga Journey so far.....

My love for yoga & the philosophy of yoga began many years ago...about 2001. I felt something was missing in my life. I was searching for a new and interesting way to keep fit and lead a healthier lifestyle. I had thought about yoga; I researched on foot (the old way) classes available in the Fylde coast & was a little disappointed that I couldn’t find a yoga class! I didn’t have a computer or hi-tech phone to research on-line. So I toyed between joining the local Pilates class or Tai Chi up the road – then I happened upon an advert in the local supermarket. Yoga upstairs in the Fleetwood Library – Anne Finlay...some would say it was fate!

I believe it was fate! I just had to pluck up the courage to walk through the door. So I drove there in my gym gear...unsure of what to wear or even what to bring and did an about turn. I was too scared to walk through the door.  Chicken springs to mind!

Later that week I telephone Anne Finlay, asked a few question, explained my apprehension and wondered whether other students had felt the same.  She really put me at ease, reassured me all would be well and to come along to a lesson. 

I’ve never looked back!  Anne taught Hatha yoga, it was a mixed ability class of all ages and she inspired me to be a better look within and to trust my own instincts. Class lessons consisted of all disciplines, asanas, philosophy – eight limbs of yoga & meditation. She shared her views and offered teachings in the connection between one’s mind, body and soul and the importance of the breath – our life force. She had an incredible calming influence, soothing voice, very knowledgeable and always encouraged correct alignment with modifications when necessary.

My passion for yoga was ignited and my enthusiasm for learning was stirred. I became healthier in all aspects and at my peak in flexibility. I loved the stillness of my mind and my favourite asanas (we all have them) at that time they were inversions, plough, headstand & wheel.

Anne retired a few years later and for a good while I kept up my practice at home. Then family life took over, my son came along and I became pre-occupied with juggling being a mum, fulltime employment and being a wife. I forgot me for a little while and tended to the needs of others. My relationship broke down and I was miserable. I remembered feeling great enthusiasm for life when practising yoga so I dusted my mat off and flourished internally.

In 2006 I booked a week long yoga retreat hosted in The Burren, situated in County Clare, Southern Ireland ( – a 30th birthday present to myself.  I thought this would be the fresh start I needed and would inspire a revived home practice.

The instructor Granville Cousins taught me Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and what I hadn’t realise was the variation in yoga style I was about to embark on would be a shock to my system...thank goodness for meditation and scenic walks. As a teacher he was super and very patient. He commanded complete attention in the most respectful way. He was dynamic and very strong. He showed us and encouraged meditation techniques to open and calm the mind, preparing us for a powerful practice of yoga. I learnt the Surya Namaskaras A & B and he taught me that the rewards of yoga are indeed personal and only by being at peace with yourself and letting go of the past will you truly flourish. 

Being in Ireland, away from the distractions of home life, absent of all technology and the world as I then knew it allowed my soul precious time to rejuvenate. The yoga, meditation and beautiful walks helped me to finally see me - warts and all and gave me the courage to make some life changing decisions.
With my renewed enthusiasm I returned home happy in spirit, with a joyful heart and invigorating yoga practice. Which lasted all of a few weeks - an unhappy marriage got the better of my soul.

“May you always find the light within and have the courage to take a chance”

I found that light and finally found the courage to take a chance on me!
And never looked back!

I found the happy 17 year old self within again at the tender age of 31. I believe happiness comes from within and being surrounded by negative influences was not helpful. An exciting new chapter in my life began. Just me, my son, adventures and yoga!
Since this time my practice of yoga has’s either been full on or I’d tell myself I’m just on a little break. The commitment of working towards my Degree, being a single parent and working left very little time over and in all honesty I prioritised socialising over yoga. 

What I lacked was discipline. I felt that I could achieve this by physically attending a class and to be honest I missed the social aspect too. I met Pam Edwards a Dru yoga teacher through belly-dancing class (yep I have tried allsorts of fitness!)

She was my saviour. In Dru yoga class Pam focuses on connecting the power of the breath through the movement of our body using sequences and asanas, breathing techniques, meditation, chanting, fun, laughter and relaxation – yoga nidra. I continue to attend Pam’s class and love her style of yoga – particularly when we discuss the philosophy, which I find fascinating. I love people and attending class helps fill the void that I sometimes experience when practicing in isolation.
Life has improved and I’ve grown in strength and positivity. I feel blessed to have met the love of my life (of three and a half years) and we share a daughter together. I feel positive about life; I love my children dearly including my two step children. We’re a family and I’m truly happy. I encourage my children to join in when practising yoga, my little girl loves the boat pose, which is adapted to row row row your boat pose followed by the crocodile pose, with song to accompany the action. It’s a very cute adaptation. I’d love to bring yoga to all children- maybe one day in the future! For now I’m enjoying the journey – I’ve even attended some interesting classes at the OM Yoga Show in London (2012). Contemporary Dance Yoga with David Olton, A workshop in lower back care through Yoga with Dr Elena Voyce, Apple Soul Shine Yoga with Katy Appleton, Doing hard poses easy with Tara Stiles and finished the weekend off with some Dru Yoga meditation and chanting.
 I love Dru yoga but I also love Hatha. In my quest to learn more and try new classes researching online has proved fruitful. Using the internet and high-tech phones are part of everyday life these days; researching on line and social networking is all the rage. How the past twelve years have changed – lol!  

It was through a social networking site I found Kelly AKA Yoga Time Blackpool and I made contact in May 2013. Kelly’s openhearted story of how she found Hatha yoga resonated and I found it inspiring. She’s very down to earth, realistic and genuinely kind. Her enthusiasm and positivity are infectious and I love that she wants to share her knowledge openheartedly with her students. If she doesn’t know the answer to something she goes away, consults and gets back with honesty. Kelly is a kindred spirit; her direction, expertise, encouragement and support have helped enormously. 

 I’d never experienced one-to-one yoga instruction prior to Kelly and admittedly was a little worried about the attention I’d receive – there’s no hiding in a class of one! I love her attention to detail; a yoga practice tailor made for me. Feeling blessed! Having been taught in India herself, Kelly shares the traditional teachings of yoga; her flare and humour make for a fun and enjoyable class. My goal was always to learn through the practice of yoga & my yoga journey follows the road of self-discovery to help in achieving enlightenment.

Shortly before starting our on-to-one lessons I suffered a health setback and badly injured my ankle. Once the acute pain had subsided I used the lessons to help rehabilitate my ankle. However, patience has never been my strong point and I was getting frustrated in my lack of flexibility. Consequently my recovery has been slow and even slower due to a further set back as I tore thegastrocnemius muscle in my calf (same leg) walking down the stairs. I think this is an internal message; my body is trying to tell me something. A sign perhaps - to slow down, take time to recovery and I’m learning a valuable lesson in patience! My frustration has probably hindered the healing process, so I’m trying to take my time and remain positive. And as I often say “It’ll be right!” Kelly’s teachings have included being open-minded, accepting of myself, accepting of others and accepting of my situation. She’s encouraged a letting go of all negativity and to breath in positivity & confidence.

So this is where I’m at now my goal is full recovery of health, to continue with my home practice, attend classes weekly and enjoy my journey. Who knows there may be a budding new yogi on the horizon.
As for Princess Yoga Kelly she is on her very own journey until March 2014, embracing the yogic way of life. She’s been open to constructive comments and values the opinion of her students allowing her to adapt and positively enhance her teachings.
Be Good, Do Good & Feel Good


I used to do yoga as part of an exercise regime. However my proper yoga journey started when a mutual facebook friend shared Kelly's status about her having some one to one sessions available.
I had broken my wrist and the cast was coming off. I was desperate to return to my previous (slightly manic!) exercise routine. I thought one to one yoga sessions would be a means to an end and see me on my way to building back up to that. That intention changed when I met Kelly and started our lessons.
Kelly teaches the importance of yoga being holistic and for the mind, body and soul. She has a balanced view of the world and is able to teach the philosophy and spiritual side of yoga in a way that fits with people's lives today. I didn't feel like i was being lectured or converted, instead i feel i am learning and developing myself.
My resulting experience has been that it is not just about getting bendy or fit. It is about being healthy and well, flexible and resilient, physically, mentally and emotionally. I didn't realise how much i needed all this until i started on my yoga journey. I feel i have become, and am still becoming more flexible, resilient, patient and accepting of some of the daft things that would have upset me before. I'm not totally zen, I'm still only human and have the odd tantrum but I'm definitely a calmer human. and my downward dog and tree is getting better day by day!
Kelly is such a positive person and has been such a positive influence in my life, I feel very lucky to have met her and to be able to call her my yoga teacher and friend. My yoga journey so far has been a wonderful experience. Seven months ago I would never have thought I would be turning round and saying what a good thing it was to have broken my wrist!

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